Since 1975 we've helped create elegant books, bestselling marketing campaigns and immersive experiences readers can't resist.
“It’s not often you find a designer who listens, understands your needs and produces great work. They work to a standard other designers need to measure themselves against.”

“I can highly recommend Hybert Design and their work. They are efficient, quick and intelligent designers, and they talk publishing, which not all do. They are my ‘go-to’ designers for complex jobs.”

Some of the friends we work with
“The cover is downright gorgeous. It so sensitively captures the essence of the book’s message and pulls people toward the book. Mark and I have not had this simple a decision to make before regarding a book jacket.”

Our expertise
Strategy & Creative Consultancy
We work closely with you to understand the problems you're facing. By getting to grips with what you're trying to achieve we can advise the best route forward, drawing on over 40 years' experience with publishers, authors, marketers and businesses.